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Mother's Day Bouquets


Elegance Bouquet - $135

Delight Mom's heart with our exquisite Mother's Day Floral Bouquet. Wrapped tenderly in vibrant floral paper, this enchanting arrangement features 16 premium stems gracefully complemented by 16 accent florals, symbolizing the boundless love and appreciation we hold for the extraordinary mothers in our lives.

Deluxe Bloom Bouquet - $153

Elevate Mom's special day with our hassle-free Mother's Day Floral Box. Crafted with care, this elegant arrangement features a lush bed of premium greens and clusters of floral shrubs, creating a picturesque backdrop for the main attraction. With 12 exquisite premium stems adorned by 16 charming accent florals, it's a display-ready token of love and gratitude, ensuring Mom feels cherished from the moment she receives it.



Grandeur Garden Bouquet - $225

Make Mother's Day truly unforgettable with our lavish Mother's Day Floral Box. Nestled upon a lush bed of premium greens and clusters of floral shrubs, this grand arrangement exudes elegance and charm. Featuring 24 opulent premium stems accompanied by 26 delicate accent florals, each bloom is carefully selected to convey admiration and affection. Designed in a convenient wet foam arrangement, it's a stunning gift that's ready to dazzle and delight, ensuring Mom feels adored and celebrated in style.

Please note that flower colors are subject to availability and may not be exactly as pictured. Rest assured, they will be just as beautiful and include soft, bright colors. Additionally, vessel styles may vary based on availability. Thank you for your understanding.


Our floral arrangements will be ready for pickup on Saturday, May 11, 2024, from 3 pm to 6 pm, or on Sunday, May 12, 2024, from 8 am to 11 am. The pickup location will be listed on your invoice. We also offer local delivery for $15 within Brooklyn and Manhattan, and $25 for the Bronx and Queens. Deliveries will be made between 8 am and 11 am on Sunday, May 12, 2024.

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